Abiding in the Vine - God Chooses a Righteous Seed: Part 8 of 13

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Preview: This is the eighth part of a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 24:10-27.

Memory Verse: Genesis 24:40.

1. How important is it, according to the foregoing Scriptures, that our sons and daughters let God choose their mate?
2. Were Rebekah and her family willing for her to go to Canaan to be Isaac’s wife? How did they respond? Genesis 24:50-52, Genesis 24:57-61.
3. How did Isaac feel about Rebekah?  Was he pleased with God’s choice? Genesis 24:62-67.
Note: If one wants a marriage made in Heaven, he must let the Heavenly Father be the match maker.
4. How did Abraham protect Isaac as the seed of promise? Genesis 25:1-2, Genesis 25:5-6.
5. Did Abraham die without receiving ownership of the Promised Land? Where was he buried? Genesis 25:7-10.
6. What blessing did God extend to his son Isaac after his death? Genesis 25:11 & Genesis 26:1-6.
7. How long did Rebekah and Isaac wait for an heir? Genesis 25:20-21, Genesis 25:26.
Note: Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah. He was 60 years old when they had twin sons. God had promised him that the whole world would be blessed through his offspring. There must have been times when they wondered if they would ever have a child. God was stretching their faith and their patience. We must not become discouraged when we do not get an instant response from the Lord. Let us learn to wait patiently and make sure that our requests are in accordance to His will.
8. Which of her unborn sons did God reveal to Rebekah would receive the blessing first given to Abraham? Genesis 25:22-26.
Note: Esau was the oldest and according to the customs of that day, he should have received the blessing, but God rejected him and appointed Jacob to be the righteous branch. The Lord knew that he was the one who would stay connected to the vine.
9. Consider the attitude and actions of Esau. Genesis 25:28-34 & Genesis 26:34-35.
Note: Esau showed contempt for his birthright. He revealed his rebellious spirit and a lack of honor for his parents and God when he chose wives from heathen nations. God rejected him because He knew that he would reject God.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Abiding in the Vine - God's Purpose for Man: Part 1 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God's Plan for Righteous Fellowship: Part 2 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 3 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 4 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 5 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God Prunes the Branches: Part 6 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Supreme Test of Faith: Part 7 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God Chooses A Righteous Seed: Part 8 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - Jacob the Righteous Branch: Part 9 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Blessing Continues Through Jacob's Sons: Part 10 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserves His People & Fulfills A Promise: Part 11 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Exodus Continues As Promised: Part 12 of 13
Abiding in the Vine- A Righteous Nation Is On the Way: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.