An Introduction to Jesus - Prophecy Concerning Jesus: Part 2 of 13

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Preview: This series of lessons is dedicated as an introduction to Jesus. This is the second in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 8:22-30.

Memory Verse: John 8:58.

1. Where and with whom do the foregoing Scriptures state that Jesus was before the creation of the earth?
2. How does the Scripture Reading (Proverbs 8:22-30) compare it to John 1:1-5?
Note: The writers of Proverbs and St. John were inspired through the Holy Spirit to testify to the same thing, although both writers lived many years apart.
3. What did Israel prophesy concerning the birth of Jesus? Isaiah 7:14-16.
4. How was this prophecy fulfilled hundreds of years later? Matthew 1:16-23.
5. How did Joseph respond to this message? Matthew 1:24-25.
Note: Joseph knew the message was from God because he knew what the prophets had foretold. Today we can only know what spirit is speaking if we know the Word!
6. Compare what the prophets and the apostles had to say concerning the birthplace of Jesus. Micah 5:2, Luke 2:4, Luke 2:6-7.
7. What was Balaam’s vision concerning the Kingship of Jesus? Numbers 24:1-4, Numbers 24:16-19.
Note: Balaam made this prophecy in the 13th century before Christ.
8. What did the wise men of the east say about its fulfillment hundreds of years later? Matthew 2:1-2.
9. Consider Solomon’s prophetic description of Jesus many years before His birth. Proverbs 8:14-30.
10. How did he explain Christ’s relationship to man? Proverbs 8:31-36.
Note: Solomon foretold the character and mission of Jesus hundreds of years before it came to pass. No other religion can foretell what is going to happen hundreds of years ahead.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

An Intro to Jesus - The Word: Part 1 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Prophecy Concerning Jesus: Part 2 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Divinity of Jesus: Part 3 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Godhead: Part 4 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Oneness with God: Part 5 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Power and Authority of Jesus: Part 6 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Man's Need for a Savior: Part 7 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Law Versus Grace: Part 8 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - God's Two Covenants: Part 9 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 10 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 11 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Jesus Taught With Authority: Part 12 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Lo I Come in the Volume of the Book: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.