An Introduction to Jesus - Jesus Taught With Authority: Part 12 of 13

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Preview: This series of lessons is dedicated as an introduction to Jesus. This is the twelfth lesson in a thirteen-part series on this subject. 

Pre-reading: I Corinthians 1:10-31, I Corinthians 3:18-23, James 1:3-8. 

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-11. 

Memory Verse: Isaiah 2:3. 

1. How do the foregoing Scriptures help us to see why Jesus was such an unusual Teacher? 
2. What other qualification did Isaiah say that Jesus had for teaching and counseling? Isaiah 11:2-3, Isaiah 50:4-5. 
3. What were the people's reaction with His teachings? Matthew 13:54-58. 
Note: The people knew that Jesus was neither educated nor rich and they knew His humble background. Even though they were astonished at His teaching, they had no respect for His authority. How often do we miss God’s blessings because of our attitude toward our teachers and ministers? 
4. At what age did the public become aware of His unusual wisdom? Luke 2:40-52. 
Note: At the age of twelve or younger Jesus knew that He was to be about His Heavenly Father’s business, yet He submitted Himself to the authority of His earthly parents. 
5. Who questioned His authority? Matthew 21:23. 
6. What were the peoples opinions concerning His teaching? John 7:40-43. 
7. What report did they bring to the High Priest? John 7:44-49. 
Note: The people were impressed; they had never heard such teaching, but the religious leaders accused them and Jesus of being ignorant of the Law. 
8. Why did Jesus speak with authority? Mark 1:21-22, John 8:2, John 8:25-29. 
9. Why did Jesus teach in parables? Matthew 13:10-17. 
10. Which disciples were considered to be ignorant and unlearned men by the people? Acts 4:10-13. 
Note: Too much emphasis is put on formal education. Jesus said that not many of the wise of the world will be in His Kingdom. Only when we are speaking the wisdom of God are we able to speak the truth with authority. 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series:

An Intro to Jesus - The Word: Part 1 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Prophecy Concerning Jesus: Part 2 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Divinity of Jesus: Part 3 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Godhead: Part 4 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Oneness with God: Part 5 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Power and Authority of Jesus: Part 6 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Man's Need for a Savior: Part 7 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Law Versus Grace: Part 8 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - God's Two Covenants: Part 9 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 10 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 11 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Jesus Taught With Authority: Part 12 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Lo I Come in the Volume of the Book: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.