Jesus Proclaimed by the Prophets: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: Jesus’ coming was predicted long before it happened. This is the first in a two-part series of lessons on this subject.

Pre-reading: Luke 18:9-14, Matthew 2:1-23 & II Corinthians 12:5-12.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7.

Memory Verse: Matthew 4:13.

1. Can we see how Isaiah prophesied and Matthew confirmed in the foregoing Scriptures that Jesus’ ministry would begin in Capernaum?
2. How did He further explain the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy? Matthew 4:14-17.
Note: Jesus confirmed what Isaiah had foretold some seven hundred years before; that the child Jesus, who was born to be King, would come from Galilee.
3. Did Isaiah foretell the genealogy of Jesus? Isaiah 11:1-5.
4. How did Luke confirm this prophecy? Luke 3:23-32.
Note: Often we overlook the importance of the genealogy of Jesus, as well as the Old Testament writings, but without them, we cannot possibly know who Jesus is.
5. How did the Prophet Jeremiah foretell the lineage of Jesus? Jeremiah 23:5-6.
6. How did John confirm this prophecy? John 7:37-38, John 7:40-43 & Romans 1:3.
7. Did the prophet say that He would come out of Bethlehem? Micah 5:1-2.
Note: If the people in Jesus’ day had known the Old Testament writings, they would have recognized Jesus. The same is true today; we must know the Scriptures or we will not know the Lord.
8. How did Zechariah describe the coming of Jesus as King? Zechariah 9:9.
9. When was this prophecy fulfilled? Matthew 21:1-6.
10. How did the multitude respond to this action? Matthew 21:8-11.
Note: No doubt those who honored Him were those who knew the Scriptures. They humbled themselves to accept a King who came as the Son of a poor carpenter. He never owned a house, never went to college, and owned no transportation. He came into town on a lowly donkey which belonged to someone else. We also must humble ourselves in order to walk with God.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Jesus Proclaimed by the Prophets: Part 1 of 2
Jesus Proclaimed by the Prophets: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.