Signs of His Coming: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: A continuation of a previous lesson on this subject. The Lord’s children will not be left in the dark as to when He will return. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:1-15. 

Memory Verse: Luke 21:24. 

1. With what substance did the Lord compare earthly governments in the last day of their political existence? Daniel 2:43. 
Note: The feet being composed of iron mixed with miry clay shows the extremely unstable and tottering foundation of political governments when Jesus comes. The watchful students of God’s Word can easily discern the “Handwriting upon the wall” which means that the kingdoms of this world are being weighed in the balance and found wanting. 
2. What universal and perpetual Kingdom is to be established in this weakened and unstable condition? Daniel 2:44. 
3. What does Isaiah say concerning the Federation of Nations in the last days? Isaiah 8:9-10. 
Note: We must commend every effort put forth to perpetuate peace, for Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers”. For us to put our trust in something we know is beyond the power of man is to betray our confidence in God. 
4. What will be the work of God’s people during the time of the end with the Law of God being trampled underfoot and the fourth Commandment entirely removed? Isaiah 8:16. 
5. By what doctrinal standard will the people be measured? Isaiah 8:20. 
6. In whom are the Lord’s people instructed to fully confide and put their trust? Isaiah 8:13. 
7. What may we expect following the last message and the events of our time? Isaiah 8:22. 
8. What will be the world wide political theme preceding His second coming? II Thessalonians 2:4. 
9. What will cause distress and much perplexity among nations as we near the end? Luke 21:25. 
10. What condition will this cause among the people? Luke 21:26-27. 
11. What will cause friendship or hatred to exist just prior to the end? Revelation 11:18 & Daniel 12:1. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Signs of His Coming: Part 1 of 2
Signs of His Coming: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.