God Directs the Righteous II

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Preview: Examples of times when God intervened for His children in times of trouble. 

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:1-6. 

Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:6. 

1. What command did God give Abraham? Genesis 22:1-2. 
2. How did Abraham obey God? Genesis 22:3, Genesis 22:9-10. 
3. What miracle was wrought while Abraham endeavored to carry out God’s order? Genesis 22:11-13. 
4. What was the result of Abraham’s efforts to please God? Genesis 22:15-18. 

Note: God moves in a mysterious way 
His wonders to perform; 
He plants His footsteps in the sea, 
And rides upon the storm. 

Deep in unfathomable mines 
Of never-failing skill. 
He treasures up His bright designs, 
And works His sovereign will. 

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; 
The clouds ye so much dread 
Are big with mercy and shall break 
In blessings on your head. 

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, 
But trust Him for His grace; 
Behind a frowning providence 
He hides a smiling face. 

His purpose will ripen fast, 
Unfolding every hour; 
The bud may have a bitter taste, 
But sweet will be the flower. 

Blind unbelief is sure to err 
And scan His work in vain; 
God is His own interpreter, 
And He will make it plain. 

God Moves in a Mysterious Way by William Cowper. 

5. Why did the angels enter Lot’s house? Genesis 19:1-3. 
6. How were the men of Sodom affected by Lot’s house? Genesis 19:4-9. 
How did the angels take charge of the disturbance on the outside? Genesis 19:10-11. 
8. What command did the angels give Lot the next morning? Genesis 19:15. 
9. What did the angels do to  help carry out God’s order? Genesis 19:16. 
10. What would have been the result if Lot had remained in Sodom? Genesis 19:24-25. 
11. Why did Pharaoh’s army attempt to capture the children of Israel after they left Egypt? Exodus 14:5-9. 
12. How were the Israelites affected when they saw the Egyptians approaching their camp by the Red Sea? Exodus 14:10-12. 
13. How did Moses respond to their cries? Exodus 14:13-14. 
14. How did God provide a way to escape for the Israelites? Exodus 14:19-22. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

God Directs the Righteous
God Directs the Righteous II

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.