Divine Healing: Part 1 of 3

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Preview: Divine healing is a gift of the Spirit that is conferred on the children of God. Only those who have faith may experience the gift. This is the first part of a three-part lesson of the same name. For additional information of this subject please refer to the article “Divine Healing: Is it For Today?” in our articles section.

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:1-16.

Memory Verse: Luke 10:3.

1. What signs follow those that believe? Mark 16:18.
2. What convinced Nicodemus that Jesus was from God? John 3:1-2.
3. What power did the Lord bestow on His messengers? Luke 10:19.
4. Which profits alone had heard and seen these things? Luke 10:24.
5. How did it convince their minds when Paul was bitten by a serpent? Acts 28:3-6.
6. Who was healed through the prayers by Paul on the Island? Were there many? Acts 28:8-10.
Note: Divine healing is a gift from the Lord. Nicodemus was convinced Christ was a man of God for His miracles. The people believed on Paul that he was a man of God because of his miracles. Divine healing is a miracle, and beneficial to those that believe, but if it isn’t preached, how may a man believe without a preacher? How can he preach healing if he doesn’t believe?
7. What does Jesus command regarding divine healing? Luke 10:8-9.
8. What did the disciples use to anoint the many who were sick? Mark 6:13.
9. What were the laity commanded to do for the sick? James 5:14-15.
10. Where did Christ place divine healing? I Corinthians 12:28.
11. How would you describe Christ from this verse? Hebrews 13:8.
12. How were some healed in the days of Paul? Acts 19:12.
Note: Christ has made no change, He is the same today, but His messengers are not sounding divine healing.
13. How does the Lord regard those that fail to preach and heal the sick? Ezekiel 34:4.
14. Who is the Lord against? Ezekiel 34:10.
Note: It would be better for every critical pen to write against us; and every gun to point against us; than to have Christ against us.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Divine Healing: Part 1 of 3
Divine Healing: Part 2 of 3
Divine Healing: Part 3 of 3

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.