Wisdom II

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Preview: Broad is the road that leads to death, and thousands will walk together there, but wisdom shows a narrow way, and here and there a traveler. Those who have the true wisdom of God will be few.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 111:1-10.

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 8:1.

1. Why are we told to get wisdom? Proverbs 4:7.
2. What is the value of wisdom? Proverbs 3:15.
Note: Wisdom implies the ability to judge soundly and deal justly. It is knowledge that one has along with the capacity or ability to use it properly. One may have an abundance of knowledge, and at the same time have very little wisdom.
3. What blessing follows when we have gained wisdom? Proverbs 4:8-9.
4. Who is the giver of wisdom? Proverbs 2:6.
5. Are we instructed how it may be obtained? James 1:5.
6. Did Solomon ask the Lord for wealth when he became king? I Kings 3:7-9 & II Chronicles 1:10.
7. Did Solomon’s request please the Lord? I Kings 3:10.
8. How did the Lord answer his prayers? II Chronicles 1:11-12.
Note: If we will seek the wisdom of God and to do His will and not to please ourselves or for the riches of this world, then God will give us the things that we are in need of and many times more than we expect.
9. Is wisdom always found in great men? Job 32:9.
10. What is the beginning of wisdom? Psalm 111:10.
11. How was the Psalmist made wiser than his enemies? Psalm 119:98.
12. What caused his understanding to exceed that of his teachers? Psalm 119:99.
13. How does a man’s wisdom show on him? Ecclesiastes 8:1.
14. In what did Christ say the children of the world were wiser? Luke 16:8.
Note: They show more interest, more cunning, more intelligence about their business than do Christians about the things of God and the interest of others. They show more skill, study more plans and more ways to provide for themselves than the children of light do to promote the interest of religion and exalt the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men.
15. In what did the apostles desire to have us to be wise and in what simple? Romans 16:19.
16. Is there more than one type of wisdom? I Corinthians 2:6-7.
17. How does God regard worldly wisdom? I Corinthians 3:19.
18. What are the principals of wisdom that comes from God? James 3:17.
19. What wisdom will the Scriptures give us? II Timothy 3:15.                                                                                                                                                                                             
Note: Broad is the road that leads to death, and thousands walk together; but wisdom shows a narrow path, with here and there a traveler. Those who have the wisdom of God will be few. Because the Lord said few would find the way. Amen.

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Wisdom II

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