Abominations Among God's People: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: There are consequences for not heeding God’s Word. Part one of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 18:1-22.

Memory Verse: Luke 16:15.

1. Was Israel’s fall caused by the abominable sins they were committing? Isaiah 3:1-9 & Isaiah 6:12.
2. What were some of the sins they were practicing? Isaiah 3:16, Isaiah 3:19-23 & Isaiah 5:20-23.
Note: Do we see this among God’s people today?
3. How did God say He would punish His people who were guilty of these things? Isaiah 3:17-18, Isaiah 3:24-26 & Isaiah 5:24-25.
4. What did Jesus say of those things which are highly esteemed among men? Luke 16:15.
Note: We need a great awakening among God’s people regarding the meaning of Jesus’ statement. May God help us not to be guilty of this as was Israel.
5. What other instructions do we find to the Church? I John 2:15-17
6. What kind of love must we have? I John 3:15-18.
7. What warning did Paul give us in his letter to Timothy? II Timothy 3:1-7.
8. How can we avoid indulging in things that are abominable to God? Romans 12:1-2.
9. What if we refuse to give heed to wise and godly council? What happens? Jeremiah 6:17-19 & Jeremiah 6:21.
10. What is the final end? Revelation 22:14-15 & Revelation 22:19-20.
Note: It is so easy for us to be enjoying the pleasures of this world, which are not pleasing to God. If we would only ask ourselves, “Is God getting glory from this?” It would help us many times to reevaluate the direction in which we are going.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Abominations Among God's People: Part 1 of 2
Abominations Among God's People: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.