Diligence: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is a continuation of a previous lesson. The intent of the lesson is to show what it means to persevere. In studying the Scriptures on this point, we see how sincere one has to be when searching to find God. It shows the reason for the Spiritual dearth in our Churches. Early Church history informs us that before baptism the candidates were required to fast two or three days, and the one that baptized them fasted too, so as to be sure the one taking on that symbolism was prepared. What a contrast this is to our attitude today.

Scripture Reading: Daniel 9:1-23.

Memory Verse: James 4:9.

1. What was Jonah’s message to Nineveh? Jonah 3:1-3.
2. What did the people of Nineveh do? Jonah 3:5.
3. What did the king do and what was his command? Jonah 3:6-8.
4. What did he give as the reason for his command? Did it work? Jonah 3:9-10.
Note: The people of Nineveh turned to God diligently and He forgave them. When He did, the judgment He had pronounced was withdrawn.
5. What did Haman propose to do to the Jews in the Media-Persian kingdom? Esther 3:12-14.
6. What was the reaction of the Jews to that command? Esther 4:1-3.
7. On what condition did Queen Esther agree to act? Esther 4:15-17.
8. What were the results? Esther 5:1-3 & Esther 7:10.
9. How earnestly did Daniel seek God? Daniel 9:3.
10. Did Christ, when in the flesh, leave to seek earnestly for victory? Hebrews 5:5-8.
11. How were missionaries sent out in the early Church? Acts 13:2-4.
Note: If we want the Spirit of God to move in our Churches today what we need is less feasting at our annual meetings, and more fasting, less playing and more praying. When the Spirit of God is moving, gimmicks will not be necessary. When we turn to our own devices instead of turning to God and His way we always fail. God’s Spirit can reach all ages both young and old.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Diligence: Part 1 of 2
Diligence: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.