Satan's First Death, When?

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Preview: A lesson on the events surrounding the Devil in the end times. 

Scripture Reading: Revelation 20:1-15. 

Memory Verse: Revelation 20:2. 

1. What happens to Satan at the beginning of the Restitution Age? Revelation 20:1-2. 
2. Is this a literal chain or a chain of circumstances? II Peter 2:4. 
Note: This is not a literal chain as spirit beings cannot be bound with a literal chain. It rather means to be deprived of power, either wholly or in part. 
3. Where is Satan cast when he is bound? Revelation 20:3. 
Note: Then he is not left to ramble around on top of the earth as our Seventh Day Adventist friends claim. 
4. What is the bottomless pit? Revelation 11:7 & Luke 8:31. 
Note: Bottomless pit is translated from Greek “Abussos” and means “A very deep place”. 
5. How do we know the bottomless pit existence now? Revelation 9:1-2 & Revelation 9:11. 
6. How long is Satan bound and imprisoned in the deep bottomless pit, or grave? Revelation 20:3 & Revelation 20:7. 
Note: As Satan brought death to our Savior and sealed His grave, so Jesus will bring death to Satan, and seal his grave or pit, for one thousand years. He will then be resurrected and come forth at the end of the thousand years, with a host of sinners who served Satan to the end. 
7. When will Satan and the sinners be resurrected? Revelation 20:5 & Revelation 20:7. 
8. For what reason is Satan bound in prison? Revelation 20:3. 
9. What will Satan do when he is loosed out of prison? Revelation 20:8. 
10. Where are the saints during the thousand years, in Heaven or on earth? Revelation 20:6. 
11. Where will we dwell during the thousand years? Revelation 5:10. 
Note: If the saints of God are reigning with Christ on the earth during the thousand years, the earth is not the bottomless pit as the Seventh Day Adventists claim. 
12. Will there be seedtime and harvest in the Millennium Age? Genesis 8:22. 
13. Will the righteous ever be removed from the earth? Who will be removed? Proverbs 10:30. 
14. What will be the character of those who reign on earth during the thousand years? Matthew 5:5. 
15. Where do the sinners come from at the close of the Millennium Age? Do they come from purgatory or Hell? Revelation 20:13. 
16. Will there be any sea in the new earth? Revelation 21:1. 
Note: In the Millennium Age we will have the sea, as many dead sinners will come forth from the sea and their graves at the end of the Millennium Age; but after the Millennium Age there will be no more graves, or sea. Satan will be eternally destroyed. Praise God. 
17. Where will Satan be cast after the Millennium Age? Revelation 20:10. 
18. Will death and Hell be cast into the lake of fire with Satan, and will Satan die the second time? Revelation 20:14. 
19. What will be cast into the lake of fire with Satan? What does it represent? Revelation 20:15. 
Note: Without a doubt many Church members will end up in the lake of fire. Those who have remained slackers will not have their names written in the Book of Life. 
20. What will happen to unprofitable Church members? Matthew 25:30. 
21. Will all liars have their part with Satan in the lake of fire? Revelation 21:8. 
Note: The excuses of the unprofitable servants and liars will not be accepted by the Lord.