The Signs of Christ's Second Coming

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Preview: A look at what to watch for in order to know that the time of Christ’s second coming is near. 

Scripture Reading: Luke 17:26-37. 

Memory Verse: II Corinthians 4:4. 

1. What must be preached before Christ comes? Matthew 24:13-14. 
2. Where must the Gospel be published before the end? Mark 13:10. 
3. Are the current wars leading to the last war? Mark 13:7-8. 
4. Will many come in the name of Christ? Mark 13:6 & Mark 13:21-22. 
Note: Here we have the key to the coming of Christ and the deceivers. The Gospel must first be preached and published to all nations; and then shall the end come. Remember it is the Gospel of the Kingdom, the home of the saints, which must be preached first. Remember it is not the sky Kingdom, as Christ will reign on this earth a thousand years. The true Gospel of the Kingdom has not covered all of the earth, but some may say, “Christ will not come for a thousand years.” If that is true, let us read the words of Jesus on this next question. 
5. How will Christ hasten the message of His coming and the Gospel of the Kingdom? Romans 9:28. 
6. Has the Lord increased the knowledge of men? Daniel 12:4. 
Note: Just over a hundred years ago transportation was made by oxen, camels, and horses. When George Washington died, it took ten days to get the news to Boston. The first telephone was invented in 1877. Today airplanes are flying at hundreds of miles per hour and computers access the world faster than lightning. Surely everything is hooked up for speed to hasten the coming of the Lord to all parts of the world. When the Messenger Elijah comes, he will be made known in all parts of the world within a day. He put to death 450 prophets of the Israelites, as they had omitted the Ten Commandments to please Jezebel. If he puts all messengers to death when he comes the second time for omitting the Ten Commandments there will not be many left. 
7. Who will He send before the dreadful day of the Lord? Malachi 4:5. 
8. What will be his mission? Malachi 4:6. 
Note: Surely it is necessary for parents to turn their hearts to their own children, and the children to the parents. Parents have been neglectful about teaching the children of Jesus. 
9. What will be preached unto all nations before Christ comes? Revelation 14:6. 
10. What is the theme of the message? Revelation 14:7. 
11. Will the angels have a part in the closing and final message? Revelation 14:8. 
12. What is the warning and the loud voice against? Revelation 14:9. 
13. What is the condemnation to those that refuse to heed? Revelation 14:10. 
14. What is their final end? Revelation 14:11. 
Note: It is clearly seen and understood by the Word that the angels of Heaven will assist in giving the last message. Without the angels and Heaven’s power, the final message to the world would not be given. More people are becoming more technologically minded. When the angels will assist God’s messengers the work will go with leaps and bounds. 
15. How did Solomon understand the message would be delivered in the last days? Ecclesiastes 10:20. 
16. What church will be destroyed before Christ comes? Revelation 17:16-18. 
17. What is the message for God’s people in the fallen churches? Revelation 18:4. 
18. Was this before the plagues began to fall? Revelation 18:8-10. 
Note: The plagues will continue for one year, according to the prophetic reckoning of time. See Ezekiel 4:6. One day is a year. 
19. Will God’s people be called out of the fallen churches? John 10:16. 
Note: Our great mission is to call God’s people out of the fallen churches into the true fold.