Workers for God

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Preview: No one knows when the Lord is coming, and we need to always be completely prepared regardless of when that day is.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:1-13.

Memory Verse: Matthew 25:30.

1. The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto ten virgins. What else is it likened to? Matthew 25:14.
2. How did the Master give talents to His servants in this parable? Matthew 25:15.
3. What does the word talent refer to aside from mental ability? Matthew 18:24 (Margin) & Matthew 25:15 (Margin).
4. How did the servant who received five talents and the servant who received two talents use that which the Master had given them? Matthew 25:16-17.
5. Did the Lord give His servants ample time to use their talent? How is this significant? Matthew 25:19.
6. What did the servant who received five talents and the servant who received two talents have to offer their Master when He returned to reckon with them? Matthew 25:20 & Matthew 25: 22.
7. What did the Lord say to each of them? Matthew 25:21 & Matthew 25:23.
8. There was one servant who was given one talent. What did he do with it? Matthew 25:18.
9. What did this one bring as an offering to his Lord? Matthew 25:24-25.
10. How did the Lord answer that servant? Matthew 25:26-27.
11. What happened to that talent? Matthew 25:28.
12. What happened to that servant? Matthew 25:30.
Note: May the Lord help us to be true, honest workers for Him.