When Christ Shall Be King Over All the Earth

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Preview: This lesson will improve your understanding of what will take place during Christ’s reign on earth.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 72:1-19.

Memory Verse: Psalm 72:8.

1. How was the reign of Christ introduced by the Heavenly host? Revelation 11:15.
2. What grand and glorious event will mark the beginning of the reign of Christ? I Corinthians 15:51-53 & I Thessalonians 4:16-17.
3. How enduring is this Kingdom to be? Psalm 145:12-13.
4. Where will be the center of His government? Jeremiah 3:17.
5. Will this Kingdom be a literal one with mortal subjects? Isaiah 11:6-9.
6. What will take place at the end of the millennium reign of Christ? Revelation 20:5 & Revelation 20:11-15.
Note: The Judgment of the great white throne will be at the close of the millennium when the wicked dead will be raised and judged. There is but one class of people involved in the Judgment, namely the wicked and the final doom pronounced upon them will be according to their works.
7. What will be the condition of the earth during the reign of Christ? Psalm 72:6-7 & Numbers 14:21.
8. What will be the attitude of the people toward this new government? Isaiah 2:2-3.
9. How did Christ describe the condition of the saints during His reign? Matthew 13:43.
10. Will there be any difference between saints and angels? Luke 20:35-36.
11. Will there be other rulers who will help to administer the affairs of the government? Isaiah 32:1 & Matthew 19:28.
12. What will be the effect of the reign of Christ? Isaiah 32:17.
13. What did John see coming down from Heaven? Revelation 21:2.
14. Where will the Throne of God and the Lamb be? Revelation 22:3-5.
15. What will be abolished during His reign? Psalm 46:8-9.
16. Who will be king over all the earth at this time? Zechariah 14:9.