Deathbed Repentance

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Preview: Those who know the Lord and truly love Him are already doing all that they can to please Him. Waiting until you are dying to come to the Lord is selfish and self-serving; characteristics that are contrary to the Lord’s plan for us. If you know the truth, it is your responsibility to practice it immediately.

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 1:24-33.

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 8:20.

1. What will the Lord do for those who seek Him in their last hour? Proverbs 1:24-26. 
2. What will be the reward for those who despise the reproof and council of God, given by the pastor of God? Proverbs 1:30-31.
3. How will the Lord deal with those who will heed the council and reproof of God’s servants? Proverbs 1:33.
Note: Many are not gladly receiving the counsel of God. They despise correction and instruction. This is prevalent among our society.
4. What will Jesus do for those who are ashamed of Jesus and deny Him before men? Matthew 10:33.
5. What will Jesus do for those who have the truth and are not letting it shine? Will they be saved in the last hour? Matthew 25:11-12.
6. Will those who are ashamed of Jesus and dare not to witness for Him be saved in the last hour? Why or why not? Mark 8:38.
7. What must we do to be accepted? Mark 8:34-35.
8. Will there be many expecting to be saved in the last hour when Jesus comes? What will they realize? Matthew 7:22-23.
9. Who only can be saved? Matthew 7:21.
Note: The above Scriptures should forever brush away the thought of being saved in the last hour. Although, there will be many wanting to be saved in the last hour, their prayers will be too late. Therefore, let your light shine. Brighten the corner where you are! Tell your friends and associates about Jesus. We find many today who are brought up in homes where they have learned to know the blessed Lord, and now are ashamed of Christ. They are denying the Lord.
10. What will men do with their possession when the Lord comes since they have done nothing with their money to advance the cause of God? Isaiah 2:20.
11. Where will those men run for refuge? Isaiah 2:21.
12. What will the Lord do for those who call evil good, call darkness light, and put bitter for sweet? Isaiah 5:20.
13. What will the Lord do for those who are mighty to drink? Isaiah 5:22-23.
14. What will those men who are not prepared say when the Lord suddenly comes upon them? Jeremiah 8:20.
15. What will young virgins and young men be doing when the Lord is about to come? Amos 8:11-13.
16. What will the kings and the rich men and the captains pray for when the Lord comes? Revelation 6:15-17.
17. How will each man reap when the Lord comes? Galatians 6:5-8.