A New Start

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Preview: This lesson highlights several different points in time in which man was forced by God to make a new start due to the evil and wicked ways of most of the people.

Scripture Reading: Luke 17:26-36.

Memory Verse: II Peter 2:5.

1. What did God do to Noah and his sons and what did He command them to do? Genesis 9:1.
2. Did He give them rule over all living creatures? Genesis 9:2.
3. What were they permitted to eat? Genesis 9:3.
Note: Perhaps we should notice that the diet for Noah and his family included meat, while that for Adam did not. There is no distinction made between clean and unclean in Genesis 9:3, although when entering the ark there was. Later we find restrictions prohibiting the eating of the unclean.
4. Was there any restriction on what they might eat? What was it? Genesis 9:4.
5. Was capital punishment instituted? Genesis 9:5-6.
6. What was the covenant God made with Noah? Genesis 9:8-11.
7. What is the token of that covenant? Genesis 9:12-17.
8. From whom did we all descend? Genesis 9:18-19.
9. Was there just one language, and where did the people dwell? Genesis 11:1-2.
10. What enterprise did they undertake? Genesis 11:3-4.
11. Did their decision come to God’s attention? Genesis 11:5-9. What did he do?
12. Was a blessing pronounced on Shem? Genesis 9:26-27.
Note: Let us notice that the verse reads: “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem.” On first observation this seems to be very narrow, but looking at the statement in its broader context it is not, for Abraham came through the lineage of Shem, and through Abraham all the nations of the earth are blessed.
13. What did God tell Abraham to do? What did He promise him? Genesis 12:1-3.