Christianity Born in Tragedy

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Preview: Throughout history many things have been done in the name of Christianity, and in the denial of Christianity. This lesson relates several stories to illustrate the lengths people will go, and the depths they will fall in the name of Christianity.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:27-37.

Memory Verse: Matthew 27:30.

1. Was Christ born in wholesale slaughter? Matthew 2:16.
2. Was Jesus slaughtered by the Church? Mark 15:1 & Mark 15:9-14.
3. Why was John the Baptist beheaded? Matthew 14:1-11.
4. What were the reactions of the high priests of the Church when Stephen was speaking with them? Acts 7:54-59.
5. Was Judas’ betrayal of Jesus a tragedy? Matthew 26:15.
6. Was Peter’s denial of Jesus a tragedy? Matthew 26:69-75.
7. Was the doubt and disbelief of Thomas a tragedy? John 20:24-29.
8. Was the attempted lie of Ananias and Sapphira a tragedy? Acts 5:1-11.
Note: Liars in the Church like Ananias and Sapphira have brought much pain and shame to the Church. They both lied to the Lord, but their reward was death. Many today claim they are saints when they are the children of the Devil.
9. Was the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas a tragedy or a shame to the Church? Acts 15:36-39.
Note: Such conduct on the inside of the Church was far more hurtful than all the opposition from without. The Church has had sad experiences all along the way. The last Church will have similar experiences.
10. What will the Devil do to the last Church? Revelation 2:17.
11. Will some be put to death? Revelation 13:15.
12. Will the saints be denied their freedom of buying and selling? Revelation 13:17.
13. How should we receive tribulations? Romans 5:3-4.
14. Is persecution necessary? Matthew 5:10-12.
15. Can we have patience without trials? James 1:3.