Who Will Be Able to Stand?

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Preview: The time of the end will be trying for those standing for God against all the worldly things that will seek to bring us down. 

Scripture Reading: Revelation 12:1-17. 

Memory Verse: Mark 13:13. 

1. What will God’s people face just before the end? Matthew 24:9. 
2. How should the children of God accept persecutions? Matthew 5:10-12. 
3. How should we feel toward our prosecutors? Matthew 5:44. 
Note: In order to have the right spirit at the times of the great persecutions we must exercise that same spirit now. 
4. How did Jesus describe the persecutions of the last days? Mark 13:9. 
5. What should control our tongue when we are persecuted? Mark 13:11. 
6. Who will be our enemy in the last days? Luke 21:16-17. 
7. What great wonder did John describe coming from Heaven? Revelation 12:3-4. 
8. What did Daniel see long before John? Was it a beast like the one John described? Daniel 7:19-20. 
9. What are we warned about prior to this? II Thessalonians 2:3. 
Note: The Scriptures tell us that there will be a great falling away. Church members will not endure sound doctrine, but will heap to themselves teachers or men speaking things they want to hear, rather than listening to God speak through His Word. 
10. By what means will the beast capture the attention and interest of man? Revelation 13:13-14. 
11. Will man be forced to obey him or be persecuted? Revelation 13:15. 
12. What words do we have for comfort at this time? Matthew 10:28. 
13. Will God allow the beast to kill all of the saints? Discuss. Matthew 24:21-22. 
Note: We must remember the words of Jesus at this time: that man can only destroy the body, but God can destroy both soul and body. The choice is left to us. Now is the day to be preparing. The day of His coming is not far off and if we are not prepared, we will miss our chance for eternal life.