Gentiles Become Israelites

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Preview: Israelites are the children of God. This lesson reveals how the Lord opened up the doors of salvation to all of the people.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 3:7-10.

Memory Verse: Matthew 10:6.

1. What charge did Christ give His disciples? Matthew 10:5-7.
2. How did Christ answer the woman of Canaan? Matthew 15:22-28.
3. To what did God compare Israel? Jeremiah 11:16-17.
Note: The Gospel was to go to the Jews first, so that they might carry it to the world: hence it was preached exclusively to them, until the 70 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy were fulfilled in A.D. 34; then the disciples turned to preach to the Gentiles.
4. What did He say He would do with some of the branches? Jeremiah 11:16.
5. To what does Paul compare the Gentiles? Romans 11:17.
6. How did God supply branches for Israel? Romans 11:19-21.
7. Did God promise a branch out of Israel on which the Gentiles would be grafted? Romans 11:22-23.
Note: Believing Gentiles are grafted into Israel by faith in Christ. See Galatians 3:28-29.
8. What kind of fruit will they bear? Romans 11:24.
9. How will God save Israel? Romans 11:25-26.
Note: The word translated “part” in verse 25 is “meros” and means “a part of”. The word “fulness” is from “pleroma” meaning “a patch to fill in”. More literally, the verse means blindness happened to part of Israel (6000 Jews accepted Christ). God takes a patch from the Gentiles to make Israel complete, so that all who are saved will be Israelites.
10. What do we learn from this grafting process? Ephesians 2:11-19, Galatians 3:28-29 & Romans 10:12-13.
11. What did John the Baptist tell the Jews when they boasted of their lineage? Matthew 3:7-10.
12. What did Jesus tell them? John 8:31-44.
13. What is Paul’s conclusion? Galatians 3:7 & Galatians 3:28-29.
14. How does James address Christians? James 1:1-2.
Note: The return of literal Jews to Israel is not taught in the Bible. Every promise for their restoration to Palestine was made before 486 B.C. and these prophesies were fulfilled when they returned from Babylonian captivity under the decree of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes. For the decree of Cyrus see II Chronicles 36:22-23, and for the decree of Artaxerxes see Ezra 7th chapter. For fulfillment, see Nehemiah 7:73. The decree of Artaxerxes was in 457 B.C. Malachi, who prophesied after this, does not mention their restoration. Israel and Judah were reunited after the captivity (see Ezekiel 37:15-22). Hence there were no “Lost Tribes”. The Septuagint, or Greek translation of the Jewish sacred writings, were made by six men of each tribe about the year 285 B.C. showing that no tribes were lost at this time, and nobody claims they were lost after 500 B.C. therefore we can locate the twelve tribes at least 200 years after they were supposed to have been lost.