The Second Angel's Message

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Preview: A more in-depth look at end time prophecy in the Bible.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 14:1-20.

Memory Verse: Revelation 14:8.

1. What was the chief reason for the fall of Babylon? Revelation 18:2.
2. Is this a warning against ancient Babylon that fell in the days of Belshazzar? Revelation 1:1 & Revelation 17:1-5.
Note: John was given the revelation of things which must shortly come to pass. He signified it by His angel unto John. Signifying is symbols.
3. To what is Babylon further compared? Revelation 17:18.
Note: Babylon is a city, a woman. A woman signifies a church.
4. Where do we find Bible authority for calling a woman a church, and that a woman signifies a church? II Corinthians 11:2 & Revelation 19:7.
Note: There is a true woman, and a true Church, brought to light in the Gospel, and a fallen church.
5. What is the character of this woman that is a type of Babylon? Revelation 17:4-5.
6. How broad and how far reaching is the territory of this woman and this city? Revelation 17:18.
7. Which nations had drank from the woman's cup?  How did the merchants profit? Revelation 18:3.
8. What is the hope for those who are members of this church, Babylon? Revelation 18:4.
9. Can they remain in a church of this character and escape the seven plagues? Revelation 18:8.
10. How great will be the fall of this woman? Revelation 18:21.
11. Whom will God use to destroy this woman, city, and church? Revelation 17:16-17.
12. Is this woman and church a type or symbol of one church or one denomination? Discuss. Revelation 17:5.
Note: She is a mother of harlots; she has a large family and her daughters’ characters are no better than the mother.
13. How may we know those churches that Jesus points out to us as harlots? Matthew 7:20.
14. Which Commandment forbids adultery? Exodus 20:14. (The seventh).
Note: The woman and church that we are studying is a corrupt church which has committed spiritual fornication. These churches have turned from the Commandments of God and accepted and teach the Commandments of men which make void the Commandments of God. We have churches today that claim the Ten Commandments were abolished and that no man can keep them. It is not a hard matter to locate these churches that have committed spiritual fornication, and that are called daughter harlots which they inherited from their mother and made the merchants rich by their purchasing power. The true Church never leans on human support for carrying on Her work. Whenever a church turns from Her lawful husband, Jesus, and favors the support of men and women, She truly becomes a harlot.
15. Can you numerate some of the commandments of men cherished by the churches today, as Jesus said by their fruits ye shall know them?
Answer: Sunday keeping; infant baptism; sprinkling; saved by baptism only, which makes water salvation; baptize in Jesus’ name only; leave out the Father’s name, and the Holy Ghost; denying the atonement of the cross; Friday crucifixion and Sunday resurrection; reward at death; sky kingdom; reign in Heaven; no devil; no resurrection of sinners; no general judgment; branding all as Christians; birth of Christ at Christmas; Easter celebration; abstain from meat-eating on Friday and during Lent; forbidding marriages under certain conditions, priests, nuns, etc.; denying the virgin birth of Christ; smoking, chewing, and drinking.
16. Why should members come out? Have you heard the voice from Heaven saying, “Come out of her?” Revelation 18:4.
17. What did the second angel cry? Revelation 14:8.
Note: Babylon is fallen. She has made all nations drink from the wine of her wrath. Surely this fall was not in the days of Luther or in 1844 as some claim, but in these days, we find churches actually going down, crumbling of their own accord. Whole nations are going down. Large organizations have fallen from the old-time religion to a form of religion. It is the churches that claim to have the Bible and the Bible only that have fallen. The Catholic Church does not claim to have the Bible and the Bible only, and therefore, they cannot fall from something they never had. If churches fell in the days of Luther, it would be too late to give the cry today, “Come out of her my people.”
18. What will be the final reward for those who refuse to come out? Revelation 14:9-11.
19. What will be the condition of those that see and refuse to accept? John 9:41.
20. Will they have an excuse on the Judgment Day? John 15:22.
Note: May God help us to sound the warning of the second angel that men may escape the seven plagues.