The True Church, Where Is It?

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Preview: A look at what the true Church of God is made of. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:13-19. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 16:18. 

1. How did Christ purchase the Church and from whom? Acts 20:28. 
2. How does the Church exist after His death? Acts 2:41. 
3. When and where was our redemption and Church purchased? John 19:30. 
4. How long was Christ’s Church to exist? Matthew 16:18. 
Note: The Church of Christ is an everlasting institution. We pity men and women who cannot find the Church of Christ. It is easily distinguished from all other churches. It was divinely instituted by Christ. 
5. Who is the god of this world and what has he done to the Church? II Corinthians 4:4. 
6. Who laid the foundation? I Corinthians 3:11. 
7. Of what is the foundation composed? Ephesians 2:20. 
8. Who only can be added to the Church of Christ? Acts 2:47. 
9. Who is the head of the Church of Christ? Colossians 1:18-20. 
10. Why is Christ the head of His Church? Ephesians 1:20-23. 
11. How were the officers placed in the Church of Christ and why? I Corinthians 12:18. 
Note: The officers were divinely appointed and placed in the Church as it pleased Him. They were not voted in and out each year. When officers are voted in and out, the unconverted can slip in. 
12. Under what name did the Church become known after Christ purchased it from the Devil? I Corinthians 12:27. 
13. How may we know the doctrine of Christ? Isaiah 8:20. 
14. What is the name of those that can’t keep His Commandments? I John 2:4. 
15. Who only can enter into the Kingdom of God? John 3:5. 
16. Will those born the second time continue in sin? Why or why not? I John 3:9. 
17. How may we know we are a child of Christ? I John 2:3. 
18. Who is the father of those who continue in sin? I John 3:8. 
Note: It is an easy matter for a child of the Lord to distinguish Christ’s Church from human organizations. There is no Scriptural authority for a human organization, as Christ laid the foundation and purchased it with His own blood. It is up to us to accept what Christ purchased and founded for us.