Sign of Christ

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Preview: God has set aside a special time for us to worship Him as our Creator, uninterrupted by the cares this world.


Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-32, Genesis 2:1-3.


Memory Verse: Mark 2:28.


1. Who are we called to worship? Revelation 14:6-7.

Note: The final appeal in Revelation is for us to worship He who made heaven and earth; our Creator.

2. What is the basis of all worship? Revelation 4:11.

3. Who created all things? Ephesians 3:8-9, Colossians 1:15-16.

4. What is the memorial of Christ’s creative activity? Exodus 20:8-11.

5. Who was the sabbath made for? Mark 2:27-28.

Note: The sabbath is a gift to man, allowing us to worship our Creator without distraction one day every week. The Lord’s day is the seventh day sabbath.

6. What did God do to set aside the sabbath? Genesis 2:1-3.

7. What is the sabbath called in the Old Testament? Ezekiel 20:12, 20.

8. What did Jesus do on the sabbath? Luke 4:16.

Note: Jesus was here to set an example to us of how to live our daily lives. If He had intended for His holy day to be changed, He would have modeled that while He was here on earth. He made no change to this day, man did.

9. What did Jesus counsel His disciples regarding the sabbath? Matthew 24:20. 

Note: Jesus’ counsel to His disciples regarding a future war assumed a seventh day sabbath.

10. After Jesus’ death, what did Paul do on the sabbath? Which groups did he speak with?  Acts 13:42-44.

11. What other group did Paul speak with on the sabbath? Acts 16:13.

12. What is the Lord’s special day called? Revelation 1:10.

13. What is another name for the Lord’s day? Luke 6:5, Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:27-28.

14. Does the Bible actually reveal which day is the seventh day? Luke 23:54-56, Luke 24:1. 

Note: In more than 100 languages of the world, the seventh day on our calendar called Saturday is translated sabbath. There is no word for Saturday in these languages. The seventh day is simply called sabbath.

15. What does God do for those who observe His sabbath? Isaiah 56:2.

16. Will there be sabbath in heaven? Isaiah 66:22-23.