Does God Heal Today?

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Preview: For further reading on this subject please refer to the article: "Divine Healing: Is it For Today?"

Scripture Reading: I Peter 2:13-24.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 53:5.

1. What promise did God give in the time of Moses? Exodus 15:26.
2. How can we get the healing we ask for? I John 3:22.
3. How are we delivered from affliction? Psalm 34:19.
Note: We should not expect healing from God if we go about breaking His laws and following the pleasures of the world. The ears of the Lord are open to the righteous.
4. How does God regard those who claim to perform miracles, but refuse to obey? Matthew 7:22-23.
Note: Many of the things which appear to be wonders in the world today are not the handiwork of God. Let us be careful lest we be deceived by miracles by those whom God doesn’t know.
5. What happened to King Asa because he went to the physician for healing instead of God? II Chronicles 16:12-13.
6. What did Jesus do for the sins of those He healed? Matthew 9:2-6.
Note: God forgives sin, and God heals the sick. He did not give the man drugs or medicine. He is still the same God today, and He has promised us if we have committed sins that they will be forgiven when we are healed.
7. What penalty did Jesus pay for our sins? Matthew 8:16-17.
8. Why did Paul say that many were weak and sickly in the Church? I Corinthians 11:27-30.
9. Who, other than Jesus, could heal the lady with the issue of blood? Luke 8:43.
Note: We see the same today, people give their money to physicians and still they are not healed. They put their trust in a man who has no power to heal. God can heal, He does heal, and He doesn’t take money. Let us put our faith in Him and His sure Word.
10. Whom should we call when we are sick? James 5:14.