Laws Pertaining to Food

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Preview: God set up a certain diet to be maintained by His people that they may live a long and healthy life.

Scripture Reading: Leviticus 11:1-31.

Memory Verse: Acts 10:14.

1. Did God Himself give the dietary laws according to the Scripture Reading? Do we understand from the Memory Verse that Peter still practiced this law even after the death of Christ?
2. Is it possible for man to make clean anything God has declared unclean? Job 14:1-4.
Note: Only God can do that. Even unclean mankind can be made clean by the Word of God, John 15:3. This is done through the blood of Christ, I John 1:7.
3. Did this law of clean and unclean meats start with Moses and the children of Israel? Genesis 7:1-3.
Note: Even before the flood, Noah understood that every animal was not made to be eaten.
4. What did God say about food and holiness? Leviticus 11:45-47 & Deuteronomy 14:1-3.
5. What was Peter’s vision? Acts 10:9-16.
6. How did Peter describe his own eating habits? Acts 10:14.
7. Was it food or mankind that Christ died to cleanse? Acts 10:17-28, Acts 10:34, John 15:3 & I John 1:6-7.
Note: God was declaring that He is no respecter of persons. He abolished racial segregation. We are not to be prejudiced toward any race of people. We are to realize that all humanity is worthy of God’s love and grace. Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all who will receive it.
8. What does the Bible say about the attitude of people in the last days? I Timothy 4:1-3.
9. What enables us to know what is to be eaten with thanksgiving? I Timothy 4:4-5.
Note: Only the Word of God can sanctify anything, and His Word has already declared some things unclean. He knows what He created to be healthy and unhealthy for food. The forbidden fruit looked and tasted good to Eve, nevertheless, it killed her. Even Revelation 18:2 makes reference to unclean birds. God’s laws have not changed, and all man’s reasoning and praying cannot cleanse what God declared unclean.
10. What is God’s law pertaining to eating blood and fat? Leviticus 3:17, Leviticus 7:25-27 & Leviticus 17:10-14.
Note: Only in recent years has medical science understood why we should refrain from eating certain foods, uncooked, or fat meats. God knew all along, and He gave us these laws because He wants His people to be healthy as well as holy.