The Gift of Tongues

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Preview: The gift of tongues is explained in this lesson.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 14:1-14.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 14:13.

1. What is God the author of? I Corinthians 14:33.
2. How did Paul receive this instruction? I Corinthians 14:37.
Note: We know that the Spirit of God is not limited. He can speak through many if He so chooses, every language, whether of Heaven or of earth, but always according to the Scripture. He works in one manner in the individual and in another manner in the collective body.
3. When an individual speaks in an unknown tongue or language, to whom does he speak? I Corinthians 14:2.
4. Did Paul seem to think speaking in tongues was a benefit to the Church? I Corinthians 14:19.
5. Where does Paul place the gift of tongues? I Corinthians 14:39-40.
Note: It is utterly impossible to convert anyone by an unknown tongue or language unless there is an interpreter. The true gift of tongues is a gift for the Church which differs from the modern tongue movement. If there is no interpreter, let him keep silent, saith the Lord.
6. What sign are the tongues to an unlearned if all speak in tongues? I Corinthians 14:23.
7. What effect will prophecy have upon the unlearned? I Corinthians 14:24-25.
Note: Remember that those who have the gift of tongues or unknown language are to speak through interpreters or hold their peace. On the day of Pentecost they did not need an interpreter because everyone heard them in his own language. Speaking in tongues, to the unlearned, is a sign of madness, said the Lord. I Corinthians 14:23.
8. With what is the true gift of tongues classed? I Corinthians 12:28-30.
Note: Why single out the gift of tongues and claim it is the greatest gift of all, when the Holy Spirit plainly teaches that it is the manifestation of the Spirit, and is not intended that everyone should speak in tongues any more than everyone should interpret or perform miracles. We are not to forbid speaking in tongues if it bears the true Bible doctrine.
9. Did Philip’s four daughters prophecy? Acts 21:9.
10. Did Joel predict prophecy as an evidence of the Holy Spirit? Joel 2:28.
Note: Where is the text which affirms that tongues must in all instances be accompanied by the baptism and its evidence? They cannot be found. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth, but did not speak in tongues. The Holy Spirit of God rested upon Jesus, but He did not speak in tongues, and He cast out devils by the Spirit of God. Thousands of today are performing the works of the Spirit of God, and have never spoken in unknown tongues. In this respect they are not above their Master. Those in the upper room did not look like demons, twisting, groaning, a picture of darkness, frothing at their mouths, uttering cries like one possessed of evil spirits. The tree is known by its fruit. The spiritualists also speak in unknown tongues. The modern tongues put signs and feelings ahead of faith. The Bible teaches that the just shall live by faith instead of signs and feelings.
11. Can one have the gift of tongues and be lost? I Corinthians 13:1.
12. What is the evidence of the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Galatians 5:22-23.
Note: The gift of the true tongue is classed with all other gifts and should be in the Church, so let us be careful that we do not speak against the true gift. Bear in mind that if the modern tongue movement is of God, they would all be of one body and not divided. The Catholic Priest also speaks in an unknown tongue to its congregation. It is not the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Devil has always sought to counterfeit every principal of truth. We must learn to distinguish between the true and the false.