Christian Behavior

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Preview: We belong to the Lord, our Creator, body and soul. There is a certain expectation from Him that must be met.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 12:1-31.

Memory Verse: Romans 12:21.

1. What is our most reasonable service to God? Romans 12:1.
2. What is necessary to present our bodies wholly to the Lord? Romans 12:2 & Ephesians 4:20-24.
3. How are we joined together as believers in Christ? Romans 12:4-5.
4. How should we think of ourselves? Romans 12:3.
5. Do the members of a body have the same office? Romans 12:4.
6. What are some of the offices? I Corinthians 12:8-10.
7. How should love be among us? Romans 12:9.
8. What should be our attitude toward one another? Romans 12:10.
9. Should we be slothful in business? Romans 12:11.
10. What should be our disposition? Romans 12:12-13.
11. What should be our attitude toward all mankind? Romans 12:14-20.
Note: May we not neglect the gift that is in us, but use it to the glory of God, and by doing this the gifts will also be a benefit to the entire body.