Jesus and His Disciples Taught Men to Obey God's Law

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Preview: Jesus’ mission on earth was to spread God’s Word and be an example to prove that a mortal man could live by it. He taught His disciples how to do this during His life and after His death and resurrection so that His work would continue.

Scripture Reading: James 2:5-12.

Memory Verse: Romans 3:31.

1. What answer did Jesus give to the man who wanted to know how to inherit eternal life? Matthew 19:16-17.
2. Did Jesus describe the law He was talking about? What law was it? Matthew 19:18-19.
3. What reply did the man make after Jesus directed him to the law God wrote on tables of stone? Matthew 19:20.
4. Did Jesus rebuke him for his obedience to the law? What did He say? Matthew 19:21 & Mark 10:21.
Note: Jesus was pleased to know that the man had obeyed God’s Law. Jesus told him that he needed only one more thing to make him perfect.
5. Were men confused about the law in the days of Paul? Why or why not? I Timothy 1:5-7.
6. What did Paul say about God’s Law? I Timothy 1:8 & Romans 7:12.
7. Does the law condemn the righteous or the unrighteous? Romans 7:5-6 & I Timothy 1:9-10.
8. Does the law save us from sin? What is the purpose of the law? Romans 3:20, Romans 7:7 & I John 3:4.
9. How are we saved from sin which the law describes? Romans 8:1-4.
10. What is promised to those who are condemned by the law? What is promised to those who have no condemnation by the law? Romans 8:5-6.
11. What is the characteristic of a carnal mind? Romans 8:7.
Note: Paul taught men to accept Christ for salvation from sin, as defined by the law. He told them that death was the reward for carnally minded people who would not obey God’s Law.