Man's Sins Versus God's Mercy: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: A lesson on God’s patience and enduring love for His children. This is the first of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 53:1-6.

Memory Verse: Psalm 106:8.

1. Do we see God extending His mercy to this rebellious and sinful nation according to the Scripture Reading and Memory Verse?
Note: We can look around us and see that man is getting further and further from the precepts of God. Yet, we can see His mercy and long-suffering extended to us.
2. What were some of the sins of the Israelites? Psalm 106:6-7, Psalm 106:13-14 & Exodus 32:1-6.
3. What was their attitude toward God’s chosen leaders? Numbers 16:1-3 & Numbers 16:12-14.
4. How did Moses respond to their conduct? Numbers 16:4-11.
5. What action did God take? Numbers 16:23-33 & Numbers 16:35.
6. How did the people react? Numbers 16:34.
7. How soon did they forget? Numbers 16:41-42.
8. How angry was the Lord? Numbers 16:43-45.
9. How did Moses and Aaron intercede for Israel? Numbers 16:46-50.
Note: Christ said that a good shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep. Moses and Aaron showed their willingness to do so even though the people had caused them nothing but grief. We, as parents and/or spiritual leaders, need to give very prayerful consideration to their example of patience, mercy, and long-suffering.
10. Who was directing Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership? Psalm 77:13-15 & Psalm 77:20.
Note: Do not miss the warning in this message. We may not always understand why God’s leaders do the things that they do. We may sometimes be deceived and misled by others who are jealous of God’s appointed leaders. We may at times feel we are just as holy and righteous as they, if not more so, and that our decisions are wiser than theirs, but we are instructed to respect and pray for them. If they are wrong, God can and will remove or correct them. Our spiritual leaders need our love and prayers. Satan is out to destroy them in any way he can. It is often a lonely and always an awesome task. Jesus advises all God’s appointed leaders to love those in their charge, be prepared to give their lives for them, and to look to God for wisdom and strength. John 10:11-14.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Man's Sins Versus God's Mercy: Part 1 of 2
Man's Sins Versus God's Mercy: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.