True Conversion

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Preview: The process of converting to the Word of the Lord. 

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-7. 

Memory Verse: Acts 3:19. 

1. When Peter was asked by those who crucified Christ, “What shall we do?” What was Peter’s response? Acts 2:37-38. 
2. What precedes conversion? Acts 3:19. 
3. What did Jesus tell Nicodemus he had to do before he could enter the Kingdom? John 3:5. 
4. What did David say converts the soul? Psalm 19:7. 
5. Why is the law essential to conversion? I John 3:42, Romans 2:12, Romans 2:14. 
6. What will the law do for every sinner? Romans 3:19-20. 
7. What do you need to claim salvation besides faith? Romans 3:31. 
8. What did John the Baptist say we need to do before salvation? Matthew 3:2. 
9. What did Christ preach about the importance of repentance? Mark 1:15. 
10. What were the apostles to preach when they were sent out? Mark 6:12-13. 
11. What did Christ’s preaching say the penalty is for not repenting? Luke 13:3. 
12. What will make restitution? Luke 17:3. 
13. What will bring about reconciliation? Matthew 5:23-24. 
14. What did God command all men to do in order to be converted? Acts 17:30. 
15. What two things will bring us the gift of the Holy Ghost? Acts 2:38. 
16. What should be preached among the nations? Luke 24:47. 
Note: It is the truth that makes us free. It is truth that brings about repentance and conversion. With conversion, like baptism, without the truth they go down a dry sinner and come up a wet one. Let us follow Christ and His Commandments. Remember, without the truth, we are miserable. Repentance should be approached with intelligent minds to know Christ and His will first. It is the will of the Lord. He doesn’t want us to be ignorant.