The Promise of a Savior

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Preview: One of the great promises God has made to us is that of a Savior coming to deliver His chosen into eternal life. This promise was made several times and is affirmed throughout this lesson by many of God’s people.

Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:1-18.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 40:3.

1. Did Job believe there would be a Savior? How? Job 19:25.
2. What were the promises made in Isaiah 11:1-10 concerning the Savior?
3. How did Joseph know of God’s promise? Matthew 1:18-23.
4. How did Mary find out this promise? Luke 1:26-37, Luke 1:41-45.
5. Was this promise kept? Explain. Matthew 2:1-2, Luke 2:1-18.
6. What did Herod do when he heard of this birth? Matthew 2:3-9.
7. How were the wise men warned of Herod’s wicked way? Matthew 2:10-12.
8. How did God warn Joseph? Matthew 2:13-14.
9. Did Herod keep God from keeping His promise of a Savior? Discuss. Matthew 2:15-23.
Note: God has and will keep all of His promises if only we will live according to His laws and claim His promises!