The Soul: Is It Immortal?

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Preview: The truth about our souls and what happens when we die.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:1-7.

Memory Verse: Genesis 1:27.

1. From what was Adam made? Genesis 2:7 (first part).
2. How did God create a living soul in Adam? Genesis 2:7 (last part).  
3. How did Paul understand Adam’s creation? I Corinthians 15:45-50.
Note: The breath of God into Adam’s nostrils made him a living soul, before that he was a dead soul.
4. Can a soul die? Explain. Isaiah 53:12.
Note: If Christ’s soul died there would be nothing He could do in Heaven or Hell as some claim.
5. Who owns the soul, and is it subject to death? Ezekiel 18:4-20. 
6. How is it possible for men to kill souls that should not die? Ezekiel 13:19.
7. What did Christ say about souls dying? Matthew 10:28.
8. Where did Christ’s soul go when He died? Acts 2:31.
9. Can a living soul eat? Explain. Exodus 12:16.
10. Where will the souls come from on Resurrection morning–Hell, Heaven, or the grave? Psalm 49:15.
11. Did Job understand the breath and the Spirit are the same thing? Is there a connection between breath and the Spirit of God? Job 27:3.
12. Do animals, like cows and horses, have souls? How should we treat them? Ecclesiastes 3:19-21.
Note: When the Spirit, the breath of God, leaves the body and the soul, there is no conscience. The mind and feelings have perished.
13. Do the dead praise God? Do they see their loved ones on earth? Ecclesiastes 9:5-6.
14. Why will the dead not recognize the honor of their sons and daughters? Job 14:21, Psalm 115:17.
15. Does the Lord want us ignorant as to the state of the dead? How should we feel about them? I Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Note: These Scriptures clearly show that when Christ comes again, the dead in Christ will rise from their graves to go to Him then. How could this be true if they were already in Heaven? Ninety-seven percent believe that the dead are alive, more alive than the living. Most Christians, like heathen, believe that the dead are alive. Only three percent have learned the truth of the matter, and they have kept it quiet for fear of offense. What a pity. A very small percentage dare to publish it. It is about time that God moved the stones to witness for Him. So many professed followers have gone to sleep on this theory. Church members all over the world are honoring the dead. At Christmas time they weep and cry, and many are praying for the dead sinners to be saved, and even boast that they have saved so many dead sinners. Much money and time has been wasted helping the dead sinners out of Purgatory, other groups pray them out of Hell. Heathens believe and practice the same but all in vain. May God help to awaken men to the Scriptures, learn the Bible truths and publish them.