Perfecting for Christ

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Preview: A lesson on the expectations that Christ has for His people.

Scripture Reading: I John 2:1-17.

Memory Verse: Matthew 5:48.

1. Did Christ say that the impotent man that He healed could continue in sin? What would the consequences be? John 5:14.
2. What did Jesus say to the woman that was brought to Him in adultery? John 8:11.
3. What did Jesus come to do? Matthew 1:21.
Note: Jesus came to save people from sin, and not in sin. He told those He healed to “Go and sin no more.” If they could continue in sin, why did He say “Sin no more.”?
4. Did John teach a sinless salvation? Who could we advocate with? I John 2:1.
5. How perfect did Jesus expect His followers to be? Matthew 5:48.
6. What did Paul teach concerning perfection? Romans 6:1-2.
7. Are we to serve sin? Who was sacrificed to eliminate sin? Romans 6:6.
Note: Did Jesus and Paul teach the impossible? No!
8. Did Paul teach a holy life? What is our service? Romans 12:1.
9. Are we to cleanse ourselves from the filth of the flesh? How? II Corinthians 7:1.
10. How did Peter approve of perfection? I Peter 5:10.
11. What did Peter teach concerning a sinless life? II Peter 2:21-22.
12. Are we to be holy? Why? Hebrews 12:14.
Note: Paul, Peter, and John are all in perfect harmony with the teaching of Christ. They all taught a sinless salvation.
13. Who do those that sin belong to? I John 3:8.
14. Will those born of God sin? Why? I John 3:9.
15. Can the Wicked One touch those who are born of God? Discuss. I John 5:18.
Note: When you let Jesus in your heart you will have power to live without sin, and the wicked one does not touch you.
16. Who does he that abides in the doctrine of Christ have with him? II John 1:9.
17. Who did Paul speak wisdom to? I Corinthians 2:6.
Note: If there were no one perfect in the days of Paul who was he speaking to?
18. Will God hear the prayers of a sinner? How can we make him hear us? John 9:31.  
19. What are those that teach you cannot keep the Commandments? I John 2:4.
Note: If you still believe it is impossible to live without sin, what will you do with the foregoing Scriptures? Remember the Lord has said: “He that believeth NOT God has made him a LIAR.” I John 5:10 and “All liars will have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.” Revelation 21:8. It is a terrible thing to attempt to make the Lord Jesus a liar.
20. Is it possible to be a Christian and a sinner both? Why? I John 3:8.
21. How far does God remove the sins from His children? Psalm 103:12.
22. What do we become servants to when we are freed from sin? Romans 6:1.
Note: Praise the Lord for perfection. We know that those in sin will not enter into the Kingdom of God. Jesus came to this earth to save His people FROM sin, and not in SIN.